
Century City/Los Angeles: 14 Fellows

Chicago: 21 Fellows

D.C.: 9 Fellows

London: 2 Fellows

New York: 6 Fellows

Our Fellows

Under our global Pro Bono Fellowship Program, Sidley sponsors fellowships in several of our U.S. offices, as well as our London office.

Sidley sponsors several fellowships that expand the capacity of legal nonprofits to advance their missions and serve the critical legal needs of clients. Through the Incoming Associates Pro Bono Fellowship Program (the Program) and the Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI) Fellowship Program, recent law school graduates are paid their full Sidley salary to work at legal nonprofit organizations for up to 10 weeks before joining the firm. Sidley also sponsors a year-long Sidley Austin Appellate Advocacy Fellowship in the Barbara McDowell Appellate Advocacy Project at the Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia. The work spans the range of subjects handled by Legal Aid, including evictions, custody and domestic violence issues, public benefits, and consumer protection. In addition, together with our corporate partners, KPMG and Microsoft, Sidley co-sponsored Equal Justice Works Fellows at Kids in Need of Defense and The Bronx Defenders.

In London, all final seat trainees are invited to apply for a fellowship for up to 12 weeks in a charity or non-profit organization, prior to commencing their roles as newly qualified associates.

Here is what our fellows had to say about their experiences:

“Working at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) was a great opportunity as a young lawyer to engage with laws as they were still being made. At NCRC, I found it especially rewarding to contribute to proposed regulations, like the Council on Environmental Quality’s Phase 2 NEPA proposed regulations, by drafting a comment letter for NCRC in response.
– Whitney Beber, Washington, D.C. – White Collar Defense and Investigations
“As a fellow with the Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice, I had the honor of assisting survivors in obtaining justice and immigration relief. My time at LACLJ greatly shaped the kind of lawyer and person I strive to become — compassionate and dedicated.”
– Alyssa Broer, Los Angeles – Commercial Litigation
“I’m very proud to have worked as a Pro Bono Fellow for Legal Aid Chicago’s Veterans Rights Project. I can’t speak highly enough of the Team there and the work that I was able to contribute to during my summer – my experience both inspired and prepared me to continue doing this work here at Sidley.”
– Alex Butler, Chicago – Investment Funds
Ladder Up offered me the opportunity to observe, review, analyze, diagnose, and perform legal work on real tax issues impacting the lives of everyday people. This experience led to real facetime with clients; the opportunity to take the lead on some legal matters; and opportunities to observe litigation within the federal tax court. Ladder Up is a great pro bono opportunity for those interested in the nexus between transactional and regulatory areas of the law.”
– Paul Drake, Chicago – Insurance
“Sidley’s Pro Bono Fellowship gave me the opportunity to launch my legal career at the National Women’s Law Center, an organization committed to promoting gender justice. During my fellowship, I collaborated closely with the fantastic attorneys in the Law Center’s Health Care and Reproductive Rights team to safeguard women’s preventive health services, strengthen sex-discrimination protections in healthcare, and advocate for reproductive rights. The invaluable mentorship I received at the Law Center enriched my legal skills and deepened my commitment to pro bono work. I am profoundly thankful to Sidley and the Law Center for these extraordinary experiences and relationships, which I will cherish for years to come.”
– Gabrielle Feliciani, Washington, D.C. – Healthcare
“Working at Sanctuary for Families was an immensely rewarding experience. I had the privilege of witnessing the resilience and courage of our clients facing complex legal processes to secure their rights in a new country. Working and learning alongside dedicated immigration lawyers was an incredible learning opportunity and a chance to make a tangible difference in the lives of others. Each success, no matter how small, reinforced the importance of accessible legal representation.”
– Natalie Jean, New York – Commercial Litigation and Disputes
“I participated in Sidley’s Pro Bono Fellowship Program, working for the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California on the LGBTQ, Gender & Reproductive Justice Project. As a fellow, I gained incredibly valuable experience in impact litigation, including assisting with the beginning stages of an advocacy project involving family policing and the child welfare system.”
– Amelia Mazzarella, Los Angeles – Commercial Litigation and Disputes
“During my pro bono fellowship at Asian Americans Advancing Justice, a nonprofit that provides legal services to the AAPI community and advocates for the civil rights of Asian Americans, I had the opportunity to work with passionate and brilliant attorneys and staff on a variety of immigration-related issues that I care about deeply. My experiences as a fellow have inspired me to commit to maintaining an active pro bono practice as an associate at Sidley.”
– Jean Shen, Century City – M&A

London Pro Bono Prize

Each year, the London office awards a Prize for Pro Bono Services to recognize exceptional contributions. The 2023 prize went to Senior Managing Associate Jack Roxburgh and Associate Jess Ward-Zinski.

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